Educational Multimedia Research Center
Devi Ahilya Vishwavidhyalaya, Indore
Educational Multimedia Research Center
Devi Ahilya Vishwavidhyalaya, Indore, M.P. (India)
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Devi Ahilya Vishwavidhyalaya, Indore
Devi Ahilya Vishwavidhyalaya, Indore, M.P. (India)
Educational Multimedia Research Center fromerly Audio Visual Research Center, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore is one of the seventeen media centers in the country, which was sanctioned by the UGC, New Delhi in June 1990. It became operational from july 1992.
Fully funded by UGC, New Delhi the center has produced more than 1595 good quality UGC-CEC countrywide classroom Educational Television Programs and has received 33 National and International awards. The programs are telecast on DD1, Gyan Darshan, Vyas and DD Bharti channels. A number of research projects of national, Ph.D. and Master level have been completed and guided by EMRC faculty.
In the world of globalization, world wide web has emerged as a useful tool to gain knowledge about the changing scenarios. The inclusion of e-content in learning is now inevitable, and the UGC-CEC initiative is designed to meet the new challenges, and to help India take the lead in this newly emerging field.
The e-content development and associated web based learning does not seek to replace traditional teaching and learning, but is expected to supplement them. UGC-CEC e-content scheme at EMRC aims at developing high quality e-content, as well as expertise for generating such content over the long term. EMRC, Indore is involved in the process of e-content development, wherein, audio, video, graphics, animation and text are used to involve learners and make them a part of the exotic voyage of discovery, wonder and enquiry.
The excellent education and academic training provided by the prestigious institution known as EMRC DAVV have resulted in a multitude of invaluable educational programs, with the added bonus of the participation of the institution in inter-universtity competitions, yielding a remarkable track record of triumph in numerous categories. The accomplishments of the university are truly noteworthy, as they have excelled in various fields and disciplines, earning the admiration and respect of their peers and competitors alike. EMRC DAVV has consistently demonstrated their unwavering commitment to academic excellence and student success, continuing to strive towards achieving their goals and aspirations. It is with great pride that we celebrate and acknowledge the impressive achievements of this remarkable educational institution, recognizing the hard work, dedication, and passion of all those involved in making it a success.
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